One up on wall street review
One up on wall street review

In this section, Peter has explained about the psychological aspects of investing in stock markets.

one up on wall street review

Learning from One Up On The Wall Street – Peter Lynch Preparing to Invest: Peter has divided the book into three distinctive sections, each section dealing with a separate aspect of investing: Preparing to Invest, Picking Winners and the Long-Term View. Peter believes that an amateur investor needs to use only “3% of her brainpower” and “mathematics learned until 4 th grade” to match the Wall Street experts at stock picking. He inspired the amateur investors to learn to identify the stocks, which will end up earning in multiples of the original value and will thus generate wealth for the investors in the long term. Peter Lynch popularized the term “Multi Baggers”. Peter has written about his investment philosophy and stock picking approach in his book “ One Up on the Wall Street”. Peter generated annual returns of 29% for his investors and beat the S&P 500 index in 11 out of 13 years. During his tenure, the size of the Fidelity Magellan Fund increased from meager $ 20 million to whopping $ 14 billion, which was more than the combined GDP of many countries put together. Peter Lynch was the fund manager of Fidelity Magellan Fund from 1977 to 1990. His name is counted along with the legends like Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett.

one up on wall street review

P eter Lynch, the writer of the book “ One Up on the Wall Street”, is one of the most successful stock market investors of all times. Therefore, if you are an amateur, you should capitalize on your advantage and stop listening to the professionals. Peter says that even the professionals make money in stocks when they step out of the rat race and think amateurish.

one up on wall street review

Peter Lynch, one of the greatest investor of our times, highlighted this scintillating idea and thus echoed the beliefs of legends like Benjamin Graham, Phil Fisher and Warren Buffett. Amateur investors can match or even do better than the professionals at stock picking.

One up on wall street review